Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Video Blog (Vlog) Ever


I recorded this on Tuesday night and it took some time to upload it because the internet sucks at my school. That's not the only reason its just going up. I'm so freaked out about doing this post lol. I hate being on camera (and I'm a journalism major, go figure!). So that means that I watched this video about ten times before actually posting it.

I hope you guys like it, lets not be too harsh :)

Feedback would be nice too. If you think I should do more like this then let me know. If yes, then I will do some posts as videos but I'll still rely heavily on written posts. If not, please tell me to quit while I'm ahead hahaha.

Thanks guys for your continued support


Monday, November 19, 2012

Quick Post: Hot Oil Treatment- Fail

My University had its Fall Convocation on Thursday, Nov. 15 (*proud annual Dean's list maker right here* lol) and I did a hot coconut oil treatment on my hair last Wednesday night in the hopes of waking up to wash it and having a "cute day" for Thursday. 

That did not work out :/

The hot water decided to be absent that morning leaving me with the option of washing my necessaries (TMI?) and squeezing the excess coconut oil from my hair into a towel. I went to the convocation and accepted my award with my hair in a bun. 

Guess who felt like a grease ball.

The up-side, I guess, would be that I had the coconut oil on my hair for a super long time. 

After the event, I ended up just doing a shampoo wash with the Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioned my hair with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration conditioner. I then left it to airdry.

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Update & why I've been gone.

Hey guys,

Its been since May that I last did a blog post. I have missed it, but I had to take the time-out to focus on other goals in my life, which I'll explain at the end of this post. But first, here is an update on my hair.

I have been doing my regular deep conditions, oil treatments and general hair care stuff. I just wasn't going hardcore on my hair like before, with growth aids and all that. I now use Herbal Essennce's Hello Hydration for my shampooing and co-washing needs, but I have experimented with the Shea Moisture line (which I like). I also still use the ORS Replenishing conditioner for my deep conditions, and the ORS moisturizer when I wear my hair straight. That doesn't happen very often, so I use a mixture of water, apple cider vinegar and any natural oil and then seal it with a oil at night. I airdry every time, so braid-outs and bantu knot-outs are my friends.

I have been on a holistic healthy life style lately so I mostly use natural products on my hair and skin. So I don't use the Hot Six Oil anymore, not because its not good but because I use coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil, shea butter etc. instead. I've been getting a lot of questions about that oil.

Also, sadly, I still don't know how to lessen my split ends. lol So this winter I'm going in on protective styling.

Okay here are the pics of my hair:

I thought a red rinse would show in the sunlight (waste of $$$)

This was before my relaxer (relaxer day-Oct 20th)

braid out

Old braidout bun

protective style (no sock/bun filler)

After my relaxer (first one done completely by myself)

Loved my hair this day!

this was last  Monday, back to no heat styles

Absence Explanation
You don't have to care about this, since its not hair related but I wanted to share this with you guys.

Okay, so as I said I'm trying to be all holistic. So I put more focus on my body. The goal was to lose weight for summer, but that proved to be much harder than expected. For a minute I thought I had hypothyroidism because the weight just wasn't going anywhere. Long story short, I upped the ante by not eating meat anymore (its been a month), increasing exercise and lifting weights, and being positive overall. Its still not really a difference to me as far as reducing my size is concerned but according to the scale I lost 18lbs since about September-ish (if I count from me being super serious). I actually attempted to lose the excess all of July straight till now. But as I said, I think I got extremely serious after mid/late September, after not seing the progress I wanted.

I have 27 more lbs to lose, give or take. I'm not so much concerned about the numbers as I am about how I look. 

So here are my before and 'during' pictures:

Before:  About May/June when I just got back to Jamaica for summer vacation.

During: I think this is the end of September (girl in picture: my trini friend/roomie)


(peep my hair length by her boob woop!)

[girl in picture: St. Kitts homie lol]

Thanks for not unsubscribing guys! Even if it just meant that you didn't notice that I wasn't posting lol I'm glad you're still here.
